The AFMT awards grants to disadvantaged young people to develop an existing interest and experience in adventurous outdoor activities. This includes walking, climbing, cycling, kayaking, sailing, horse riding - either self-planned or for residential courses at an outdoor centre. Mostly, we’re looking for enthusiasm, initiative and a sense of adventure.
You should only apply for funding if you fulfil all these criteria:
- You (or the young person/people for whom you are applying) are developing existing experience and interest.
- There is an element of adventure in your plans.
- The activity is taking place within the United Kingdom.
- You have done some fund-raising for the activity or adventure.
- You are prepared to write a short report after your adventure/s.
Please note:
- The AFMT does not fund taster sessions, one-off trips or residential trips for large groups.
- We are unlikely to support environmental organisations unless there is a strong element of adventure.
- We don’t support foreign trips.
- We don’t support capital projects (eg for buildings, materials etc).
- We do not fund purchases of equipment for group activities. We only consider funding equipment if it is for an individual who is showing long term commitment to their activity.
- Each year we give eight to twelve grants averaging £400 each.
How to apply
The AFMT does not have an application form but please answer all of the following questions and apply by email in no more than 1000 words.
- Who is applying?
- What do you propose to do? Where and when?
- Who will benefit? Why do you deserve our support?
- What experience do you have of the activity so far?
- How will this funding help you to develop your interest further?
- What are your plans for continuing to progress your interest?
- What fund raising are you doing or plan to do?
- What is the overall budget?
- How much are you applying for?
If you’re an individual applying for a grant, you must provide a reference from a teacher or care-worker and send this with your application